Sonia G Caballero delivers her work for the government of the United Arab Emirates in Barcelona |
According to Japanese Culture, we all have an I K I G A I, but in order to find it, a deep, and often prolonged, self-search is necessary. Finding the IKIGAI brings satisfaction and meaning to our lives. It comes to mean something like "the purpose of life" or "the meaning of life."
Its graphic representation is similar to the petals of a flower: what you love, what you are good at, what you can earn a living with and what the world needs. Only at the confluence of all of them is the IKIGAI, your reason for being.
"Iki" 「生 き」 means "life", while "kai" 「甲 斐」 can be translated as "value", roughly means "the realization of what one expects and desires."The behaviors that make us feel the ikigai are natural and spontaneous actions.
Another of the concepts associated with ikigai, the feeling of flowing when we are doing a task that we love.
IKIGAI: the process of allowing one's chances to flourish [jibun no kanousei, kaikasaseru katei 「自 分 の 可能性 開花 さ せ る 家庭」。
Kobayashi Tsukasa writes that «people can feel the authentic ikigai only when, on the basis of personal maturity, the satisfaction of various desires, love and happiness, they meet each other and with a sense of the value of life, which advances towards self-realization.
When you do it, increase your self-esteem, because you feel that your presence in the world is justified. Happiness is the direct consequence.
What’s your IKIGAI?